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The office is located in the KoMbi-building, Mannerheiminkatu 15.

Please note that parking is not allowed aoutside the KoMbi-building.

Office opening hours

The office is open Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays 10–18. Wednesdays 10–12.30 and 14–18. Fridays closed.

The phone service is open Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays 10–11 and 12–15. Wednesdays 10–11.30 and 14–15. Fridays closed.

Linnankosken lukio

Evening supervisor at Linnankoski lukio tel. 040 4899 680.

Lyceiparkens skola

Evening supervisor at Lyceiparkens skola (Lypa): Åsa Johansson, 040 350 8934, asa.johansson(at)

Tuntiopettajien yhteystiedot

Porvoo kansalaisopisto cannot publish the contact details of teachers. The teachers often give their contact details to the students on the course. In urgent matters, please contact our office. Any cancellations should always be notified to the office, not to the teacher.


Annelie Åkerman-Anttila

Kansalaisopiston rehtori

Vice principal
Hanna Fridolfsson

Kansalaisopiston apulaisrehtori

Social studies, open university education, information technology, IKIS program, on-demand education
Mika Pohjanen

Kansalaisopiston apulaisrehtori

Head of Integration education
Hanna Holm

Kotoutumiskoulutusten päällikkö

Anna Söderberg


Kaj Liljalehto


Finnish language and migrant teaching
Sanna Markkanen

Kansalaisopiston opettaja

Language courses
Kirsti Rautio

Kansalaisopiston opettaja

Visual arts, theatre and verbal arts, music
Petteri Vihavainen

Kansalaisopiston opettaja

Arts and crafts, cooking courses and seafaring
Päivi Kovanen

Kansalaisopiston opettaja

Exercise and health
Ulla-Marja Ritari

Kansalaisopiston opettaja

Projects and communication
Linda Sallert


Courses in Swedish

Vice principal
Hanna Fridolfsson

Kansalaisopiston apulaisrehtori

Arts and crafts, physical education, dance, seafaring
Maria Lindlöf

Kansalaisopiston opettaja

Language, music, food
Jenna Romberg

Kansalaisopiston opettaja

Feedback and course requests

Please send feedback and course requests either by email or anonymously via the feedback form: