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You can find all the forms on the TE-services website

Independent studies on an unemployment allowance

As a customer of the local government pilot on employment in Porvoo, you may receive an unemployment allowance for full-time or short-term studies if you need to develop your competencies.

Required forms

A statement from an education provider to a pilot region municipality on studies to be supported with unemployment allowances KK621

Justifications for education needs KK623

Work try-out at a workplace

A work try-out allows the jobseeker to learn about their career options through real practical work.

Required forms

Agreement on a work try-out at a workplace KK682

Feedback form for a work try-out (employers) KK690

Feedback form for a work try-out (employees) KK690b

Health check-ups for unemployed jobseekers

The objective of the health check-up for unemployed jobseekers is to promote your health and well-being as well as your working and functional ability during your unemployment

Required forms

Feedback for a municipality in a pilot region on a customer’s health check-up KK910

Consent to disclosing health-related data to the employer KK911

Other forms

Notification of absence KK691

Power of attorney for using municipal services KK912

Consent to disclosing data to the employer KK913

Please note that some services need to be agreed on in the employment plan. Such services include work try-outs and independent studies. Please submit the required forms well in advance to receive a positive decision before the service starts. Ask your personal career coach for more information!